
South African Identity No*
Date of Birth*
First Name*
Last Name*
Do you have disability?*
Work Permit No
Work Permit Expiry date
Passport No
Mobile No*
Telephone No
Preferred Method of Communication*
If you were previously employed in the Public Service, indicate whether any condition exist that prevents your re-employment, and the name of your employer or department *
Provide the name of the previous employer / department
If you are offered a position, when can you start?
Email Address *  
Confirm Email   
Confirm Password*
   Terms and Conditions
Have you been convicted or found guilty of a criminal offence (including an admission of guilt)?* 
Do you have any pending criminal case against you?*
Have you ever been dismissed for misconduct from the Public Service?*
Do you have any pending disciplinary case against you?*
Have you resigned from a recent job pending any disciplinary proceeding against you?*
Have you been discharged or retired from the Public Service on grounds of Ill-health or on condition that your cannot be re-employed?*
Are you conducting business with the State or are you a Director of a Public or Private company conducting business with the State?*
In the event that you are employed in the Public Service, will you immediately relinquish such business interests?*
Please specify the total number of years of experience you have* (private sector)
(public sector)
If your profession or occupation requires official registration, provide date and particulars of registration (Attach documents on create CV page)
If you replied yes above, please state your reasons here
©2024 Office of the Premier, Eastern Cape
